Steven Seinberg was born in Brooklyn, New York and attended college in Atlanta, Georgia. Seinberg's pallet, bold strokes, and poetic line work connect the outside world with motion as incessant and loss being inevitable. Seinberg is continually inspired by the biological senses, environmental factors, and emotional responses to these surroundings. The paintings communicate in a mysterious, unobtrusive manner, speaking subtly and instinctively. Because the various elements within his pictures are determined by what he intuits at each moment of the process of creation, every aspect and phase of his work fades in and out of the paint almost imperceptibly. His ability to poetically and atmospherically convey the powerful, even primordial forces that dictate the rhythms of the organic universe translate into images that nurture the mind, heart and soul.
- Slow Growth dated August 2000
- Oil and Graphite on Canvas
- 60" x 70"
- Contact for Price